A number of new products have been added to YOLO. These are all products that YOLO founder Lisa de Speville has been using for anything from a few months to a few years.
LastObject, from Denmark, is a newcomer to YOLO. Their LastSwab and LastRound products – that are reusable alternatives for single-use cotton swabs (aka ear buds) and cotton pads respectively – have won numerous design awards since they launched their first product in 2019.
Just in case you’re thinking “What difference does it make if I get a reusable cotton swab instead of buying regular ear buds or even those with cardboard stems?”.
Each LastSwab can be reused up to 1000 times and when you join the ranks of other LastObject customers, the numbers of single-use items eliminated increases significantly. In three years, LastObject customers have effectively prevented over 3-billion single-use items from circulation. Your decision does make a difference!
YOLO is a South Africa dealer of LastObject products. We have the three types of LastSwab products in stock – Basic, Beauty and Baby – as well as the LastRound product.
Products from South African company RESTRAW include reusable glass straws.
De Speville has been using their glass straw for almost five years. Although most beverages can be consumed directly from a glass, there are those – like smoothies and milkshakes – that are fun to drink through straws. Refuse plastic and paper straws – both are single-use items – and enjoy using your reusable glass straw.
Glass straws have a great ‘on lips’ feel and they can be used for hot and cold beverages. Glass RESTRAWs come in two widths – Original and Smoothie – and are available as a kit with a protective cover and cleaning brush.
These durable glass straws are dishwasher safe and have a lifetime guarantee in terms of normal usage.
LastObject and RESTRAW add to YOLOs existing offering of products from The Big Scoop and SUPA.
The Big Scoop, from Cape Town, focuses on pet waste management and specifically the composting of dog poop. Yes, they use our YOLO Compost Tumbler for the waste that they collect from their customers.
Last year, The Big Scoop brought out a much-needed product; Poop Bags that are compostable in the home composting environment. Many plant-based ‘plastic’ bags are only compostable in industrial composters, which very much defeats their purpose as they end up in landfill. Of course, it makes absolutely no sense to put dog poop, which quickly breaks down, into a plastic bag that will take hundreds of years to degrade into the trash. These Poop Bags are the solution.
With The Big Scoop’s earth-friendly Poop Bags, you can bag Fluffy’s poop when out on your daily neighbourhood walk and then toss it into your YOLO Compost Tumbler at home.
SUPA, which stands for Single-Use Plastic Alternatives, advocates for behaviour change and backs this up with their super range of products that replace single-use items. We love – and use – their shopping bag pouch, bowl covers and wax wraps almost daily.
SUPA is based in Cape Town and their products are sewn by a community-based project, The ReLife Sewing Group.
“I’m really pleased to add these products to YOLO’s offering,” says Lisa. “I use them daily.”
Lisa describes people who compost as informed, progressive, considered and responsible.
“They know that recycling is not the solution – eliminating waste by reducing consumption and turning to reusable products is the way forward. They look for alternatives to single-use and disposable products to reduce the waste that they send to landfill,” she explains.
These products are available to order online through YOLO’s online shop.