Photos from our Decorex stand

Some photos of our stand at Decorex SA. We’ve got 8-week old and 16-week old compost from my tumblers at home for you to look at and smell. We’ve got a photowall so you can see photos of compost tumblers in gardens and courtyards. With our small, medium and large size tumblers here together you can compare the sizes. We’re doing a show special of free courier in Gauteng.

8 week old compost. Onion and potato peels and other recently added material are still identifiable.
6 week old compost ready to go into my garden
Medium and large from the side. The large is large with each shell at 200 litre volume.
Medium (top) and large (bottom) YOLO Compost Tumblers.
Photowall of your compost tumblers.


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